Admin options

Here you can find out what options you have when you access the Console with an Admin role

As an Admin you can also view all Kapsules and Logs as described in the User options section.


When logged in with an Admin role, you are able to see all users that are setup in Kaptain. With Admin role you are able to:

  • Create users

  • Update users

  • Delete users

Create user

User Name: Name of user

Password: Password


Group: Group(s) which the user should be member of

Qlik User ID: Defined as User Directory\initials

Can Create Kapsule: Tick if the user should be allowed to create Kapsules

To make sure you insert the correct User Directory and initials (they are case sensitive) you can use the formula =osuser() somewhere in a Qlik Sense app so you can see the exact User Directory and UserId.

On Qlik Sense SaaS there is no User Directory so simply put in the IdP Subject preceded by a "\". e.g. \auth0|5e214039b4718b775cf20ec4d613346c38b52ef77b5aedb74d837bbb507fb823

You can find each users' IdP Subject in the QMC in the Users section.

Update user

Here you have the same options as in the Create user menu

Delete user

Here you can delete Kaptain users


When logged in with an Admin role, you are able to see all Groups that are setup in Kaptain. With Admin role you are able to:‌

  • Create Groups

  • Update Groups

  • Delete Groups

Create Groups

Permission: Define if members of the group have read and/or delete permissions

Group Name: Name of group

Kapsules: One or more Kapsules that should be included in the group

Users: User(s) to be part of the group

Note that you are not given read/write permission to end users. This is handled via the Komment extension interface. This only relates to users (Qlik developers or Admins) setup in the Kaptain Admin module.

Update Group

Here you have the same options as in the Create Group menu

Delete Group

Here you can delete groups

API Keys

Administer API keys

In the left hand menu administrators can access the API Key section. In here the administrator can see the API keys that have been added:

From this view the administrator can perform the following actions:

  1. Create a new API key

  2. Copy an API key value

  3. Delete an API key

Create new API key

To create a new API key click on the button "Create ApiKey" to activate the following window:

Name: Write the desired name of the API key

API Key: To autogenerate an API Key press the button "generate". It is also possible to paste in the value of an already generated API key. Simple paste it into the API Key box shown in the image above.

Copy an API Key value

To copy an API Key value simply press the copy icon shown next to the API key:

Delete API Key

To delete an API Key you press the trash can icon shown in the Action column:

Apply API Key to Komment extension

The API Key is used to connect Komment and Kaptain in order to make all data transfers to and from the selected database as secure as possible.

  • Create an API key in Kaptain as described above

  • Copy the value of the generated API Key

  • Go to the folder where you have your file.

  • Open the zip file and navigate to static\config

  • Copy the file Settings.txt

  • Navigate out of the zip file and paste the Settings.txt file in the initial folder

  • Open the Settings.txt file

  • Insert the copied API Key value in ApiKey section

  • Save and close the file

  • Copy the Settings.txt file

  • Open the file and navigate to static\config

  • Paste the Settings.txt file and say OK to replace the existing file

  • Navigate out of the zip file

  • Follow the above steps to import the updated zip file to the QMC

If you have multiple servers with Komment and Kaptain installed you need to create an API Key on each Kaptain instance. To minimize maintenance you can copy the value from one instance to the others when creating additional API Keys.

Update Kaptain Data Connection

When generating new Kaptain Data Connections from within Komment, they API Key will automatically be embedded in the data connection string. However, if you have existing Kaptain Data Connections that was setup prior to version 2.5.2 you can use the below approach to update those data connections with your newly generated API Key.

  • Go to the Data Load Editor within an app in Qlik Sense

  • Search for the relevant data connection

  • Press the edit button of the data connection

  • Create a new Query Header as shown below:

    • Name: Authorization

    • Value: Bearer <INSERT API Key value>

    • Press save

    • Navigate to QMC and remove autogenerated initials that are added to the name of the data connection. This is to ensure that all previous references to the existing name will continue to work.

Last updated